What to Eat in Rize?

Update: 07.11.2024 12:13
Reading Time: 20 minutes
What to Eat in Rize?

Rize, Thanks to the lush green nature and abundant rainy climate of the Black Sea region, it has a wide range of flavors. The natural resources and climate of the region have played an important role in the formation of this culinary culture. Seafood, especially anchovy, is the crown jewel in Rize cuisine. Delicacies such as anchovy pilaf, anchovy pan, and anchovy soup are frequently found on the tables of the region. In addition, the fertile soil of the region EgyptVegetables such as , beans and kale are the cornerstones of Rize cuisine. Let's discover these special flavors that can be tasted in Rize together.

Çayeli Beans

Çayeli beans are one of the most special and famous bean varieties of Turkey, Black Sea It grows in the cool and high plateaus of the region. Known for its unique aroma and flavor, this bean is distinguished from other types of beans by its large, round and white grains. One of the most distinctive features of Çayeli beans is that they do not fall apart even when boiled for a long time and cook to their full consistency, which makes them a preferred ingredient especially in dry bean dishes. Çayeli beans, which can also be used in different dishes such as soup and rice, add richness to tables with its crispy texture and flavor. katar. This bean, which is the favorite of not only the local people but also the cuisines all around Turkey, is one of the indispensable parts of our culinary culture.

Çayeli Beans

Brother-in-law's delight

Enishte's delight is one of the cultural and traditional desserts of the Black Sea region and especially Rize, and has a special meaning as it has been presented as a gift to the groom's family at weddings for years. Prepared with simple ingredients such as plenty of butter, sugar, egg yolk and flour, this dessert is known for its thick consistency and sweetness. The distinguishing feature of enishte's delight is that it is rolled up longitudinally and is an indispensable part of the groom's bundle. Enishte's delight, which continues to be produced using traditional methods, attracts great attention from both the locals and tourists visiting Rize. It is valuable not only as a delicious snack, but also as a symbol reflecting the rich cultural heritage of the region.

Brother-in-law's delight

Dried Beans with Meat

Bean stew with meat is an indispensable part of Rize cuisine and is a flavor that is especially identified with the Çayeli district. Prepared with local products, this dish is made by combining beans, beef, tomato paste, butter and carefully selected spices. Prepared by cooking for a long time, beans with meat gain a perfect consistency with the beans being soft and the ingredients being completely integrated with each other. One of the most distinctive features of this dish is the unique aroma and flavor that butter gives. Rize beans with meat, which is usually served with cornbread, is both filling and leaves an unforgettable taste on the palate. This famous dish of Rize is greatly appreciated by both locals and visitors.

Dried Beans with Meat

Anchovy Stir Fry

Hamsi Çığırtması is one of the most unique and popular flavors of the Black Sea cuisine, and is a traditional dish especially for those living on the Rize coast. Fresh anchovies are kneaded with chard, onion, corn flour and suet and usually fried. The secret of this dish's flavor lies in the harmonious blending of fresh anchovies with plenty of greens and spices. Hamsi Çığırtması is a very healthy dish thanks to the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids it contains. In addition, this dish, made with fibrous vegetables, supports the digestive system. Hamsi Çığırtması, which is usually served with pickles and salad, can be consumed both hot and cold. This nutritious and delicious dish is an important reflection of the Black Sea's rich culinary culture and is a taste that must be tried.

Anchovy Stir Fry

Anchovy Handle

Anchovy arm is a traditional and indispensable delicacy for those living on the coast of Rize. It is prepared by kneading fresh anchovies with plenty of greens such as chard, onion, dill and parsley and cooking them in the oven or on the stove. Anchovy arm is a very healthy dish thanks to the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids anchovies contain. In addition, the fibrous vegetables in it help regulate the digestive system, making anchovy arm both a nutritious and filling option. This dish, usually served with pickles and salad, can be consumed both hot and cold. Anchovy arm stands out as a special dish that reflects the richness and originality of the Black Sea cuisine and attracts the attention of those who come to the region.

Anchovy Handle

Anchovy Rice

Anchovy pilaf is one of the most iconic and popular dishes of the Black Sea cuisine and is consumed with great pleasure in Rize. This unique flavor, where fresh anchovies are blended with rice, has become a classic for those living on the Black Sea coast. After the anchovies are cleaned of their bones, they are coated in corn flour and fried. Then, they are fried with rice, onion and various spices and cooked by adding water. The prepared pilaf is served together with fried anchovies. The secret of Rize anchovy pilaf is hidden in the unique aroma of fresh anchovies coming from the sea, the consistency of the rice and the perfect harmony of spices. This dish, usually served with pickles and lemon, offers a taste that is both filling and leaves a mark on the palate. Anchovy pilaf, which is made frequently especially in the winter season when anchovies are abundant, takes its place on the tables as one of the most beautiful examples of the rich culinary culture of the Black Sea.

Anchovy Rice

Kale Soup

Black cabbage soup is a flavor that is always on the table during the cold winter months of Rize and is unique to the climate and rich vegetation of the region. Prepared by cooking black cabbage, bulgur, onion, garlic and various spices for a long time, this soup leaves a wonderful taste on the palate as the cabbage softens and the flavors of all the ingredients blend together. One of the most distinctive features of Rize black cabbage soup is the satiety and long-lasting effect that the bulgur adds to the soup. In addition, the fact that black cabbage is rich in vitamins and minerals makes this soup not only delicious but also an extremely healthy option. Black cabbage soup, usually served with cornbread, is among the favorites of both locals and tourists visiting Rize.

Kale Soup

Korkoto Soup

Korkoto soup is one of the most popular traditional flavors of Rize cuisine, especially decorating tables in the winter months. Prepared with the large-grained corn grown in Rize, called “korkota,” this soup is one of the dishes that best reflects the rich culinary culture of the region. Korkota grains are softened by boiling in plenty of water and then flavored with various spices. In some regions, it is cooked with yogurt, and in some places, it is cooked with meat and served in different flavors. Korkoto soup is known for being filling and nutritious. The corn in it provides energy by providing plenty of fiber and carbohydrates, while the version made with yogurt also meets the need for calcium. This special soup is greatly appreciated by both locals and visitors as a part of the rich and healthy cuisine of the Black Sea.

Korkoto Soup


Cornbread is one of the most basic and indispensable flavors of the Black Sea cuisine and is presented in perfect harmony with the local dishes of Rize. Produced in accordance with the climate and geography of the region, this bread is prepared using corn flour, water, salt and sometimes sourdough. Baked in traditional stone ovens, cornbread has a crispy exterior and a soft texture on the inside. Consumed especially for breakfast with butter and cheese, cornbread also harmonizes wonderfully with flavors such as anchovy pilaf, cabbage rolls and kavurma in the Rize cuisine. With its nutritious and filling structure, it stands out as an indispensable part of the Black Sea tables.


Chard Pan

Chard tavalı is one of the most popular dishes of the Black Sea cuisine and one of the prominent regional dishes of Rize. Prepared with fresh chard, onion, egg, corn flour and spices, this flavor can be enjoyed both for breakfast and as an accompaniment to main dishes. Chard is first boiled, then finely chopped and mixed with other ingredients, fried in a pan and served hot. The secret of the flavor of Rize chard tavalı is hidden in the unique aroma of fresh chard, the delicious bitterness of the onion and the consistency provided by the corn flour. This dish, usually served with pickles and salad, offers a healthy and filling alternative. The fact that chard, which comes from the rich vegetation of the Black Sea, is rich in vitamins and minerals makes chard tavalı a nutritious and valuable dish.

Chard Pan

Pumpkin Dessert with Molasses

Molasses pumpkin dessert stands out as one of the unique and special flavors of Rize cuisine. This dessert, prepared especially using Rize's large and sweet pumpkins, leaves an unforgettable taste on the palate when combined with the rich aroma of the local molasses. The pumpkins are boiled for a long time to make them soft and then dipped in molasses to sweeten them. This method allows the pumpkins to fully absorb the intense flavor of the molasses. Molasses pumpkin dessert, which can be consumed both hot and cold, is usually served garnished with walnuts or hazelnuts. It offers a healthy option with its richness in natural sugar and vitamins as well as its flavor. This dessert, unique to Rize, stands out as a flavor that reflects the rich culinary culture of the Black Sea in its sweetest form.

Pumpkin Dessert with Molasses

Rize Roast

Rize kavurma is one of the most special and popular flavors of the Black Sea cuisine. Protected by a geographical indication, this dish is prepared meticulously using traditional methods, entirely from beef. Slowly cooked in copper pots over a wood fire, Rize kavurma softens the meat down to its fibers thanks to the long cooking process, giving it a unique flavor and a texture that melts in the mouth. The secret of this flavor lies in the quality of the meat used, the advantages provided by the copper pots it is cooked in, and the slightly smoky aroma added by the wood fire. Rize kavurma, which is usually served with traditional side dishes such as cornbread, butter, and pickles, stands out as a flavor that is both filling and leaves a mark on the palate. It also holds an important place as a food that can be stored for a long time and is an energy store for people living in the harsh natural conditions of the Black Sea.

Rize Roast

Rize Muhlama

Rize muhlama is one of the most famous and popular flavors of the Black Sea cuisine. This traditional dish, known in Rize and its surroundings for centuries, is prepared with kolot cheese, butter, corn flour, salt and water. Cooking it in a copper pan suitable for contact with food and serving it with a wooden spoon ensures that muhlama preserves its unique flavor. The secret of Rize muhlama lies in the careful selection of fresh and quality ingredients and its preparation with traditional methods. Served hot, muhlama is preferred as a filling and very tasty meal, especially in the winter months. This unique flavor specific to Rize has won the appreciation of both locals and tourists, and can be found in many restaurants and eateries in the city.

Rize Muhlama

Rize Pepecura

Pepeçura has an important place in Rize as one of the most unique and popular desserts of the Black Sea cuisine. Prepared using black grapes, corn flour, sugar and water, this dessert has the consistency of pudding and leaves a light and aromatic taste on the palate. The elements that make pepeçura special are the aroma of fresh and fragrant black grapes, the thickening feature of corn flour and the balanced sweetness of sugar. Pepeçura, made with special grape varieties grown in Rize, can be consumed both hot and cold. This dessert, usually served garnished with walnuts or hazelnuts, is greatly appreciated by both locals and tourists visiting the region. Pepeçura is one of the flavors that reflect the rich culinary culture of the Black Sea in the sweetest way.

Rize Pepecura

Rize Pita

Rize pide, which has been made for centuries especially in the Derepazarı district, is one of the indispensable flavors of the Black Sea cuisine. This pide, which is unique to the region, is prepared with completely natural ingredients and its production technique is meticulously applied by masters. One of the most important features of Rize pide is that it is made using pure butter and natural spring water. This pide preserves its freshness and warmth for a long time by being served without cutting. There are many different varieties such as open minced meat, closed minced meat, mixed, roasted and plain, each of which leaves a different taste on the palate. With its structure that is both filling and keeps you full for a long time, Rize pide stands out as a part of the cultural heritage of the region. You can find the opportunity to taste different varieties of this unique pide in various restaurants and bakeries of Rize, especially in the Derepazarı district.

Rize Pita

Rize Bagel

Rize simit has become an indispensable part of breakfasts and tea times, and is one of the symbols of Rize. Unlike other simits, this simit is sesame-free and is prepared using flour, yeast, salt, water and black grape molasses. After the dough is kneaded, it is combined with grape molasses and baked in the oven, which creates its unique aroma and crispy texture. The origin of Rize simit dates back to the 1930s and is protected by a geographical indication. The unique taste it gains thanks to grape molasses distinguishes it from other simits. This flavor, which attracts great attention from both the locals and tourists visiting Rize, leaves an unforgettable mark on the palate, especially when consumed for breakfast or with tea.

Rize Bagel

Sac Roasting

Sac kavurma is one of the most popular and satisfying dishes of the Black Sea cuisine and is also highly appreciated in Rize. This dish, which is prepared using lamb meat raised especially in the highlands, is cooked on a sac using traditional methods. Lamb meat is roasted on a sac with onion, tomato, pepper and plenty of butter for a long time, ensuring that the meat acquires a soft and delicious consistency. The secret of Rize sac kavurma lies in the intense aroma that comes from fresh and natural ingredients and the rich taste that butter gives. This dish, usually served with bulgur pilaf and pickles, can be consumed hot or cold and finds its place on the tables as one of the traditional flavors of Rize cuisine.

Sac Roasting

Pickle Pan

Pickle tavalı is a filling and delicious local dish of Rize, consumed frequently especially in the winter months. Pickles made from vegetables grown in the cool climate of the region are prepared by roasting them with plenty of onion and oil. The sour and salty taste of the pickle, the slight bitterness of the onion and the consistency given by the oil, leave a unique taste on the palate. Pickle tavalı, which can be consumed both hot and cold, is usually served with corn bread and is among the indispensable dishes of the Black Sea cuisine. Its practical preparation and the fact that it can be made with different types of pickles make pickle tavalı a preferred dish for both locals and visitors.

Pickle Pan

The answer to the question of what to eat in Rize includes many flavors that are nourished by the region's nature and reflect its deep-rooted culinary culture. From anchovy pilaf to black cabbage soup, from meaty beans to Rize pide, Rize's cuisine appeals to every palate. Dishes prepared with fresh seafood, rich vegetables and local cheeses are inspired by the region's natural resources. When you ask what to eat in Rize, you will not only be introduced to delicious food, but also to the region's rich cultural heritage. Each of these flavors are flavors that make Rize unique for gastronomy enthusiasts.


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